There are many people out there that avoid going to the dentist because they are afraid to go. This is not uncommon. Avoiding the dentist can not only affect your dental health, but can also affect your general health too. For those patients we can offer “happy gas”. A small flavoured mask is placed over your nose, allowing you to breathe the mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide making you feel relaxed.

  • what does it do?

    Nitrous Oxide has a calming effect on the body. It manifests differently for everyone, with some patients reporting feeling heavy, while others describe the effect as lightening or slightly dizzy. the levels and effects can be adjusted to suit you. oVerall, it allows you to detach from the procedure and reduce your anxiety. It can be used at any appointment, including your regular check up and cleans.

  • Dermal fillers

    No! once your treatment has finished, we will give you 100% oxygen to flush the nitrous oxide out of your system. After this, there are no more effects of the happy gas. You are able to drive and go about your day as you were before. The use of nitrous oxide is safe for children, and is often a fantastic solution for children who are nervous about their appointments.

  • alternatives

    For some patients, fear of the dentist can be overwhelming and make attending appointments difficult. Nitrous Oxide is available for all appointments, including general check ups and cleans, but additional measures are sometimes necessary. Your dentist can discuss with you the use of medications such as Temazepam to see if it suits your individual needs.